CCL Researchers Presenting at 2024 Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Conference

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Research Shares Insights on an Array of Topics

The Center for Creative Leadership, a top-ranked global leadership development organization, will be presenting several sessions at this year’s annual conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP). The conference will be held April 17–20, in Chicago, Illinois and virtually.

SIOP is the premier professional association for the science and practice of Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychology, which focuses on the scientific study of human behavior in organizations and in the workplace. This specialty focuses on principles of individual, group, and organizational behavior and applying this knowledge to solving problems leaders experience in the workplace.

CCL researchers will be presenting and leading discussions on several topics at the conference, ranging from program evaluation to hybrid workplace challenges. Listed below are the session dates and times when CCL will be presenting, along with descriptions for each session:

Approaches to Impact Evaluation in Leadership Development

Thursday, April 18, 8:00 am CST
Panel Discussion, Montreux 1
CCL Presenters: Dr. Jeff Kosovich and Dr. Stephen Jeong

Drawing on the collective expertise of practitioners and researchers in leadership development, this session will examine current practices in measuring the impact of leadership development, introduce 3 approaches to evaluating leadership development interventions, and discuss the application of these approaches. Panelists will share insights demonstrating the value of leadership development through impact evaluation data.

Virtually Possible: Understanding Employee Preferences in Remote Work Environments

Thursday, April 18, 8:00 am CST
Symposium, G Hall 1
CCL Presenter: Dr. Andy Loignon

The 4 empirical papers in this symposium explore pressing questions related to employee experiences in virtual work settings. This timely research investigates some of the more challenging areas related to remote work: managerial communication, autonomy, and the psychological contract; the effects of remote versus in-person interaction quality; interaction quality and workplace loneliness based on remote work preferences; and leadership behaviors and psychological safety in different degrees of virtuality. The findings present valuable insights for both academics and practitioners.

Invited: Conversations at All Stages of I-O

Thursday, April 18, 4:00 pm CST
Special Event, Z Room 1
CCL Presenter: Dr. Andy Loignon

This session consists of I-O graduate students, professionals, practitioners, and academics at different stages of their careers. After a brief introduction, authors will invite attendees to the breakout rooms according to their interests, where different speakers will facilitate conversations around critical moments in the career trajectory for I-Os, which includes navigating the stresses of graduate school, being on the job market for both industry and academia, transitioning into a new academic or industry job, job progression (tenure, promotion), and post-tenure (retirement, late-career issues).

Tech Trekking the Virtual Frontier: A Journey Into Meeting Dynamics and Inclusion

Thursday, April 18, 5:00 pm CST
Symposium, Room 208
CCL Presenters: Dr. Andy Loignon and Dr. Diane Bergeron

Authors explore 3 trends in meetings: the rise of virtual meetings, equality in meetings, and using AI to measure meeting behaviors. Kreamer & Rogelberg explore participation in virtual meetings, highlighting the potential of chat to enhance contributions. Loignon et al. reevaluate meetings as sources of inequalities using AI-enabled technology. Eden et al. explore meeting equity and counterproductive meeting behaviors relative to workers’ ages. These papers contribute to knowledge of meetings as essential sites where work happens, inequalities emerge, and technology can be harnessed.

A Multidimensional Framework for Measuring Change in Leadership Development

Friday, April 19, 9:00 am CST
Poster Session, Exhibit Hall 
CCL Presenters: Dr. Jeff Kosovich and Dr. Stephen Jeong 

This intermediate study describes a novel framework for conceptualizing change in leadership development, focusing on 4 types of change: relearning, reprioritizing, recalibrating, and traditional change. The framework parallels measurement invariance testing and builds on methods pioneered by quality-of-life researchers. Through a multiphase thematic analysis of 222 qualitative responses from a 360-degree feedback assessment, authors developed a coding scheme for identifying these types of change. Progressive improvement in rater agreement provides preliminary validity evidence.

Revisiting Gender Disparities in OCBs: Bridging Research and Practitioner Insights

Saturday, April 20, 2:00 pm CST
Alternative Presentation, Vevey 2/3
CCL Presenter: Dr. Diane Bergeron

Researchers and practitioners will present perspectives on revisiting the gender differences in organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and performance evaluations in short, ignite-style presentations, followed by small group discussions among the audience over posed questions. The small groups will then have the opportunity to share their insights with the broader audience and hear the presenters’ perspectives. This session will discuss the implications of recognizing and rewarding OCBs and how this may improve gender equity in the workplace.

About SIOP

SIOP is the premier professional association for the science and practice of I-O psychology. While an independent organization with its own governance, SIOP also represents Division 14 of the American Psychological Association and is an organizational affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science. Learn more about SIOP

About the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®

At the Center for Creative Leadership, our drive to create a ripple effect of positive change underpins everything we do. For 50+ years, we’ve pioneered leadership development solutions for everyone from frontline workers to global CEOs. Consistently ranked among the world’s top providers of executive education, our research-based programs and solutions inspire individuals in organizations across the world — including 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 — to ignite remarkable transformations. Learn more about CCL.

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