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CCL Research Reveals That DEI Agenda May Be Diluting the Women Leadership Agenda

Most recently a broader equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) agenda has in some ways diluted focus on women leadership and a growing EDI backlash seems to be getting in the way.

CCL Research Reveals that DEI Agenda may be Diluting the Women Leadership Agenda

The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®, a global provider of executive education, has released a new report, “Elevate the System” with its research partners, Institute for Human Resource Professionals, Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (prasmul-eli), Society for Human Resource Management, Slingshot Group, and XEd Space. The report was developed through data drawn from 894 survey respondents and 71 interviewees across the Asia-Pacific (APAC).

The report unpacks challenges that have stifled women from attaining senior roles and examines whether gaps in perception between men and women have improved or gotten worse since CCL’s 2020 Overcoming Barriers to Women’s Leadership Research.

“While increased focus on women’s leadership is encouraging, our latest report reveals a critical disconnect. The persistent underrepresentation of women at the highest levels suggests hidden obstacles are impeding their advancement. These obstacles often stem from biases – deeply ingrained societal expectations and systemic barriers that we are not aware of and don’t see on the surface. Addressing the gender gap in leadership requires men, women and organizations to come together as champions for equity, with the courage to make changes to the systems that are holding women back. The gender equity agenda isn’t just about fairness, it’s about unleashing the power and potential of our full talent pool to create a stronger and more prosperous future for all,” said Elisa Mallis, Managing Director and Vice President, APAC at CCL.

Organizations are encouraged to move beyond quotas and targets by measuring female participation more holistically, engaging male allies, and celebrating champions of gender equality.  This combined effort from organizations and individuals will pave the way for a more inclusive leadership landscape, supporting women’s leadership development ultimately enabling their success in leadership positions.

Thoughts from Our Research Partners

“As a research partner in this study, we echo the findings that highlight the need for systemic change to advance women’s leadership and contributions to the workplace. The data underscores a persistent gap between perception and reality in workplace equity, revealing unconscious biases and societal expectations as major barriers. HR professionals play a pivotal role in addressing these issues by taking a strategic and business-aligned approach in implementing progressive HR policies such as flexible work arrangements to elevate a ‘skills-first’ and ‘change-ready’ culture. By doing so, we not only unlock the full potential of women leaders but also drive organizational success and innovation. This report is a call to action for all stakeholders to commit to meaningful change and create workplaces where everyone can thrive.”

Aslam Sandar

“Diversity is not just an inevitable aspect of life but also a fertile ground for innovation. Promoting and managing diversity has already become and will continue to be a vital factor for future business success. Therefore, discussions and studies about women in leadership, as a part of gender diversity, are both interesting and essential. In Indonesia, while there has been considerable progress in women’s leadership, ongoing discussions and studies are necessary to achieve even greater benefits.”

Deddi Tedjakumara

“Initially, we didn’t think there was an issue with women leaders, as we believed their journey to leadership was based on their skill set and competency. For too long, we have lived without a sense of urgency regarding this matter. However, the survey results have been a powerful wake-up call, revealing the urgent need to confront unconscious biases, cultural norms, and familial obligations that hinder women’s leadership progression. Despite their remarkable capabilities, women face many challenges. It’s time to transform the entire system to ensure true equity, enabling women leaders to rise without undue barriers. Let’s break down these obstacles and create a future where the next generation of women leaders can lead with confidence and strength. It is time to make equity a reality.”

Dr. Sutisophan Chuaywongyart

Partner, Slingshot Group

“Australia is currently ranked 26th globally for gender equality, so clearly we still have some way to go. Only 9% of the top ASX companies are led by a woman, our gender pay gap is calculated at 12%, Australian women do more than nine hours additional unpaid work each week compared with men, and one in five women have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15. XED Space is an Executive Education firm that aims to make a real difference in everything we do.  We want to accelerate the development of others so that they too can make a difference in their worlds, and we can be part of something that is bigger than us. We are tremendously proud of the work that we and our colleagues do to help shift the part of the ’system’ that better equips all leaders to lead more effectively and more equitably.”

Ric Leahy

Co-Founder, XED Space

About the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®

At the Center for Creative Leadership, our drive to create a ripple effect of positive change underpins everything we do. For 50+ years, we’ve pioneered leadership development solutions for everyone from frontline workers to global CEOs. Consistently ranked among the world’s top providers of executive education, our research-based programs and solutions inspire individuals in organizations across the world — including 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 — to ignite remarkable transformations. Learn more about CCL.

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Elevate the System to Elevate Women Leaders https://www.ccl.org/articles/research-reports/elevate-the-system-elevate-women/ Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:00:19 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=articles&p=61220 This report analyzes 5 challenges and realities holding back women's inclusion and equity today and shares actionable steps organizations can take to elevate women.

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Address These 5 Challenges to Elevate Women at Your Organization

Scientific evidence supports the wide-ranging benefits of high levels of inclusion and equity for women, yet we still find ourselves emphasizing the need to elevate women in the workplace and beyond.

It’s time to change the systems that hinder progress.

This report analyzes 5 key challenges we must overcome in order to elevate women and support full inclusion and equity:

  1. The struggle to get more women into senior roles, despite increased focus and investment on women in leadership
  2. The additional obstacles women face on the path to leadership
  3. How women’s innate leadership strengths can lead them to burn out at a faster rate
  4. Women’s reluctance to ask for the challenging job assignments and increased exposure that propel careers forward
  5. The systemic barriers that hold women back

Find out what’s beneath the surface of these challenges and the actionable steps you can take to elevate women at your organization to drive greater innovation and productivity by downloading our research report.

Download Research Report

Download Research Report

Download our report, Elevate the System, to learn about the challenges facing women leaders today and the actions that can elevate women and lead to greater equity. Country-specific addendum available for: Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.

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Elevate the System: Women Leaders Changing the World With Heart & Grit https://www.ccl.org/event/elevate-the-system-women-leaders-changing-the-world-with-heart-grit/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:02:42 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=event&p=60817 In this event, we share our research findings about the importance of widening the pool of leaders that the world desperately needs — leaders who can take on and tackle humanity’s biggest challenges — more women and more men at all levels who can strike a balance between heart and grit.

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Elevate the System: Women Leaders Changing the World With Heart & Grit

CCL Event: Women Leaders Changing the World

Date: June 2024

A Preview of Our Forthcoming New Research Report on Women Leaders

Over the last 50 years, female leaders have tended to be associated with “heart,” while male leaders have been associated with “grit,” causing many women in the modern era to try adopting male characteristics in order to be perceived as successful. 

Fortunately, some of the gender stereotypes are now changing, which will help to widen the pool of leaders that the world desperately needs — leaders who can take on humanity’s biggest challenges — more women and more men at all levels who can strike the right balance between heart and grit.

Research Findings in 3 Key Areas

CCL APAC has spearheaded new women’s leadership research, which will be released in June 2024. In this latest research, spanning across 5 countries, we’re exploring a few of the dynamics that can help or hinder female leaders, with a focus on these 3 areas:

1. Are gaps in perception closing or getting bigger?

In 2020, we conducted a study to understand differences in perception of male and female leaders in Asia. The study revealed notable gaps in areas such as pay and equal opportunity in the workplace. Among the survey responses, 59% of men but only 37% of women reported that men and women have equal opportunity in the workplace — a 22% gap.

In order to “mind the gap” and then take action, we need to first raise awareness that these significant gaps in perception still exist. The early findings of our new report show that the gap continues to be at similar levels, contributing to women leaders’ experience of psychological and systemic challenges in their career growth.

2. How is the rise of dual-career households shaping today’s leadership dynamics?

An emerging global trend, particularly evident in Asia, is the prevalence of dual-career households, where both partners are in full-time employment. The shift has also led to a growing inclination among women to adopt a “double-flex” approach.

Women leaders are expected to embody qualities like care and empathy, contrasting with leadership preferences for assertiveness and decisiveness. This divergence, termed the “double flex” or “superwoman syndrome,” could lead to burnout and forced exits.

To address this challenge, reframing the conversation is crucial, focusing on the skills essential for female leaders especially in dual-career households:

  1. Self-Awareness: This helps define their identities amid dual responsibilities.
  2. Communication & Influencing Skills: Building partnerships to lead at work and home effectively.
  3. Learning Agility: Cultivating confidence to handle diverse tasks and situations, fostering a sense of control for decision-making.

By integrating these skills into discussions, we could help rectify the misalignment and better align leadership expectations with the evolving dynamics of dual-career households, fostering a more forward-thinking mindset.

3. Are female leadership “superpowers” helping women get ahead, or getting in their way?

Organizational citizenship describes employees’ willingness to go that extra mile at work, helping their company organization and team beyond their outlined duties, even though if such actions are not explicitly required.

Research suggests that some common strengths exhibited by women in leadership roles include championing positive change, fostering collaboration, and contributing to long-term organizational success — all good organizational citizenship behaviors. As a result, the expectations for women to display such behaviors are higher, and women may actually face costs for displaying these helping behaviors, as they’re generally not rewarded, but often taken for granted or overlooked.

The question remains: If women more than men are expected to, and actually do, more of citizenship behaviors, do women and men reap the same benefits of citizenship behaviors?

Learn More About Elevating the System to Advance & Support Women Leaders

To find out more and for our latest research-based insights on what it will take to elevate the system in ways that will help more women step into senior leadership roles and men also move into balancing grit and heart, join us for the research launch coming in June 2024.

Get Notified of Our Report Release

Yes, please follow up with me when Elevate the System: Women Leaders Changing the World With Heart & Grit is released, to invite me to the virtual event sharing findings and / or send me a copy of the research.

About the Research Team

Headshot of Elisa Mallis, VP of CCL APAC

Elisa Mallis, MA, MEd
Vice President & Managing Director, APAC

Elisa leads our efforts in SE Asia, India, North Asia, and Australia to accelerate the leadership development and results of clients throughout the APAC region, from multi-national corporations and government agencies to domestic organizations, while also contributing significantly to our global research agenda. She has 20+ years of experience, focused on transformational change, human capital strategy, and sales and marketing.

Anand Chandrasekar

Anand Chandrasekar, PhD
Senior Research Faculty, APAC

Anand leads our Asia-focused leadership development research and evaluation practice, partnering with CCL staff and clients to identify leadership needs, design and deliver leadership development solutions, articulate leadership solution outcomes, and evaluate the solutions for impact and improvement. He’s passionate about creating access to early leadership development to improve lives and create lasting change.

Vandana Vishnu

Vandana Vishnu
Faculty & Director of Coaching, APAC

Vandana leads our coaching talent for the Asia Pacific region, maintaining the quality of coaching engagements for our clients and working closely with 120+ coaches. She’s a leadership facilitator and coach with 22 years of experience. She is deeply committed to developing inclusive leadership processes in organizations to positively influence the business outcomes and development of human potential in the workplace.

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CCL Singapore Campus Recognized as a Great Place To Work-Certified™ Company https://www.ccl.org/newsroom/awards/ccl-singapore-great-place-to-work-certified/ Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:50:05 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=newsroom&p=60080 Our Singapore offices, headquarters of our APAC operations, have been honored with a “Great Place to Work” certification through an employee-validation process.

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CCL Singapore Campus Recognized as a Great Place To Work-Certified™ Company

Center for Creative Leadership Great Place to Work 2023 Certification

CCL’s Singapore Campus has received a 2023 “Great Place to Work” certification from Great Place to Work®, an organization that focuses on workplace culture, employee experience, and leadership behaviors. The certification process recognizes companies as employee-validated great workplaces.

The organization is the global authority on assisting companies with improving their internal culture and recognizes several companies per year based on research methodology and employee feedback. More than 10,000 companies across 60 countries apply for the Great Place to Work certification annually.

2023 marks the first time CCL Singapore has participated the program, with 74% of employees who participated citing it as a great place to work. The survey gauges employee experience based on trust between leaders and their teams, opportunity for development, and fair treatment amongst all employees.

CCL Singapore is thrilled to have received this designation, as we are dedicated to building a positive and harmonious work culture. It is a testament to the effort and hard work team members have put into shaping the organizational culture and creating a positive experience for our employees worldwide.

More information can be found on CCL Singapore’s Great Place to Work profile.

About the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®

At the Center for Creative Leadership, our drive to create a ripple effect of positive change underpins everything we do. For 50+ years, we’ve pioneered leadership development solutions for everyone from frontline workers to global CEOs. Consistently ranked among the world’s top providers of executive education, our research-based programs and solutions inspire individuals in organizations across the world — including 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 — to ignite remarkable transformations. Learn more about CCL.

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SGX Group Partners With CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement by Building Internal Coaching Skills & Capacity https://www.ccl.org/client-successes/case-studies/sgx-group-partners-with-ccl-to-boost-remote-worker-engagement-and-learning/ Thu, 19 Oct 2023 12:53:14 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=client-successes&p=60008 Learn how Singapore Exchange Group improved its culture and increased the leadership impact of its managers and executives with scalable training to build coaching mindsets and skills.

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SGX Group Partners With CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement by Building Internal Coaching Skills & Capacity

Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) logo
CLIENT:Singapore Exchange Group (SGX)
SIZE:1,100 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) is Asia’s leading and trusted securities and derivatives market infrastructure, operating equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity markets to the highest regulatory standards. SGX is committed to facilitating economic growth in a sustainable manner, leveraging its roles as a key player in the ecosystem, a business, a regulator, and a listed company.

Based in Singapore, SGX is Asia’s most international multi-asset exchange, providing listing, trading, clearing, settlement, depository, and data services. The organization is globally recognized for its risk management and clearing capabilities.

When the COVID-19 pandemic sent SGX’s workers home, it transformed how the company operated day-to-day and raised new opportunities and challenges for senior executives and managers.

In an environment where the person-to-person connections were only virtual, company leaders sought guidance on how to better engage employees. Based on feedback from employee surveys, members of the company’s executive management team saw a need to be more accessible and inspiring in the difficult period of the pandemic. Frontline managers, in turn, needed to establish a sense of community and connection with their teams working from home to better engage employees.

SGX scaled up digital learning at work and sought to amplify employees’ ability to transfer that learning to business applications. For deeper learning to occur, employees need to feel psychologically safe and highly connected. For SGX, it was people managers who had the most potential to create a space where employees were engaged and felt safe to better learn and apply those learnings to the business.

Case Study: SGX Group Partners with CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement and Learning

Solution and Results

SGX partnered with The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® to develop a coaching mindset and skills that would increase the leadership impact of managers and executives. The initiative had 2 main goals:

  1. Create a cadre of internal coaches who would provide ongoing coaching to employees.
  2. Develop an impactful coaching experience for senior leaders and high potentials embedded in intensive development programs.

SGX viewed coaching as a transformative leadership tool because of how its benefits could ripple through the organization and reach all groups the company was concerned about: senior leaders, people managers, and frontline workers.

CCL drew on its Better Conversations and Coaching curriculum to train about 40 senior leaders as internal coaches. The SGX and CCL teams worked closely to handpick and identify senior leaders with a developmental focus.

Across 2 levels of Better Conversations and Coaching, each with about 30 hours of training time, participant coaches learned 4 foundational skills:

  • Listen to understand.
  • Ask powerful questions.
  • Challenge and support.
  • Establish next steps and accountability.

Participants learned to use these skills in their day-to-day interactions, as well as in formal coaching sessions. Participants also received small group coaching from more experienced coaches.

CCL and SGX partnered to foster an internal community of coaches at SGX who support each other. Coaches met every quarter to share success stories and learnings. These high-impact sessions deepened reflection and advanced the learning among the leader coaches.

This program has created significant coaching capacity among the senior leaders of the organization and generated valuable opportunities for mid-level and frontline leaders to receive coaching. The leader coaches started by coaching their direct teams; some leaders also coach cross-functionally.

The prestigious Management Associate program at SGX was another opportunity to leverage senior leaders’ coaching capacity. A set of leaders from the group of 40 were assigned as mentors to the Management Associates through a structured six-month program. The goal was to provide every management associate with an internal coaching and mentoring opportunity.

SGX has successfully cultivated a comprehensive learning environment that prioritizes coaching and development, thereby fostering a robust learning culture. This strategic approach has led to a significant increase in employee engagement survey results on learning & development, surpassing industry norms. The company’s commitment to learning and development has resulted in employees feeling more engaged at work.

As SGX strengthens its culture and implements new business initiatives, senior leaders are better prepared to act as change coaches and culture ambassadors to continue the SGX growth story.

A post-program employee survey showed measurable increases in favorable engagement scores:
reported their managers keep them informed about what is happening at SGX.
said management shows a genuine interest in employee career aspirations.
said managers are great role models of SGX behaviors.
believe their job performance is evaluated fairly.

Participants Say

“[The training] provided some tools and techniques in helping the coach to engage and allow a more productive engagement with the coachee. It is particularly useful as the roleplay reinforces what was taught.”

Program Participant

Wholesale Markets & Platforms

“Using an analogy, coaching is like learning how to cook a dish: You may know the basics after the course, but mastering the process is a lifelong journey. There is always room for improvement.” 

Program Participant

Human Resources

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We can work with you to create a customized solution that builds coaching capacity among your leaders, leading to a stronger coaching culture across your organization.

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The Importance of Incorporating Human Development Into Leadership https://hrmasia.com/the-importance-of-incorporating-human-development-into-leadership/#new_tab Thu, 15 Jun 2023 13:29:41 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=newsroom&p=59260 Center for Creative Leadership’s Elisa Mallis tells HRM Asia how leaders can embrace human development as leaders.

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The post The Importance of Incorporating Human Development Into Leadership appeared first on CCL.

15 Exercises Leaders Can Use To Foster Appreciation For Team Diversity https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/03/01/15-exercises-leaders-can-use-to-foster-appreciation-for-team-diversity/?sh=168e2f2a2115#new_tab Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:02:42 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=newsroom&p=58815 Includes insights on leveraging social identities to build trust, from APAC Director of Coaching Vandana Vishnu, in Forbes.

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The post 15 Exercises Leaders Can Use To Foster Appreciation For Team Diversity appeared first on CCL.

Cognizant Bolsters Women Leaders & Strengthens Gender Diversity in Its Leadership Pipeline https://www.ccl.org/client-successes/case-studies/cognizant-bolsters-women-leaders-capacity-to-thrive-in-a-digital-economy/ Fri, 03 Feb 2023 14:07:07 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=client-successes&p=57183 Learn how Cognizant partnered with CCL to achieve gender diversity goals through training, mentorship, and professional development.

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Cognizant Bolsters Women Leaders & Strengthens Gender Diversity in Its Leadership Pipeline

Cognizant logo
CLIENT:Cognizant, a multinational information technology services and consulting company
LOCATION:Headquartered in Teaneck, NJ
SIZE:Over 318,000 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

Cognizant is a leading global business and technology consultancy serving many Global 2000 clients. In a rapidly accelerating digital landscape, the company is executing a bold agenda and helping clients use technology to improve everyday lives.

The organization recognizes that people are its most important asset, and as a result, strives to cultivate an inclusive work environment in which all employees are engaged, feel valued, and have the opportunity to develop and succeed.

“Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is essential to every organization that needs to deeply understand and serve its customers,” says Brian Humphries, Chief Executive Officer at Cognizant.

“Inclusion and diversity are key components to creating conditions for everyone to thrive. Our Propel program does just that by accelerating gender diversity globally in the leadership pipeline,” adds Shameka Young, Chief Diversity Officer at Cognizant, on the key driver to initiate the Propel program.

“One focus area is supporting gender diversity, and levelling the playing field for women in tech careers around the world. The company has made significant progress in setting and committing to gender goals that invest in women through training, mentorship, and professional development.”

Cognizant Propel CCL Case Study


In partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®, Cognizant’s Leadership Development Academy designed its signature women’s leadership development program, Propel, for mid- and senior-level women leaders across the globe. A journey that began in 2018, the program was collaboratively designed to accelerate a diverse leadership pipeline and enable women business leaders to thrive and succeed in a digital era.

“It has been an exhilarating experience to have over 1,000 of our trailblazing women leaders go through the Propel program. We partnered with the Center for Creative Leadership to create this development journey that has helped us build a community of women leaders which supports and celebrates one another,” shares Sreedevi Palit, Solution Architect and Program Manager of Propel. 

The 3-month Propel experience includes: 

  • Expert sessions with CCL faculty, aligned to themes enabling women leaders to amplify their leadership brand, enhance executive presence, and expanding their strategic networks;
  • Mentoring support;
  • Peer networking and access to internal and external leaders and thought leaders; and
  • Building a community of women that supports and celebrates one another.

With a sharpened focus on global gender diversity in their leadership pipeline, Cognizant pledged to MAKERS – a global organization dedicated to inspiring change-makers of tomorrow – to put 1,000 high-performing women in leadership levels through Propel by the end of 2021. 



In the fall of 2019, much ahead of its pledged timeline, Cognizant achieved the target of sending 1,000+ high-performing women leaders through the Propel initiative. The company’s targeted approach around D&I ensures diverse employees not only feel welcome, but also have the support and opportunities they need to advance in the company.

Propel has fostered a community of over 1,000 women to fuel even stronger careers and collectively uplift the performance of Cognizant. Propel graduates often experience career advancement at a significantly higher pace compared to others in a similar talent pool, and the program creates a growing community of women who support and celebrate one another. 

Participants Say

“Propel is an empowering journey that focuses on authentic, people-centered leadership. It is a phase of self-reflection that creatively transforms and instills the vision of one’s own brand and value to the organization.”

Partner With Us

We can work with you to develop a custom women’s leadership development program designed to equip women who are already proven leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to have greater impact and broader influence within their organizations. 

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4 Key Drivers for Hybrid Team Success https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/01/25/four-key-drivers-for-hybrid-team-success/amp/#new_tab Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:40:02 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=newsroom&p=58629 By Elisa Mallis, Vice President & Managing Director of CCL APAC, in Forbes, with helpful guidance for HR leaders, executives, and managers to consider.

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WORK 3.0: Reimagining Leadership in a Hybrid World https://www.ccl.org/articles/research-reports/work-3-0-reimagining-leadership-hybrid-world/ Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:41:57 +0000 https://www.ccl.org/?post_type=articles&p=58170 How we define work has evolved — from being mostly in person pre-pandemic (Work 1.0), to mostly virtual during the pandemic (Work 2.0), to now — a hybrid of both (Work 3.0). Download this report for 8 keys to leading in Work 3.0.

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How APAC Organizations Are Succeeding in the Work 3.0 Era

Since the pandemic, a massive evolution of work and workplaces has occurred. From most people working in physical offices pre-pandemic (Work 1.0), to most people working virtually during the pandemic (Work 2.0) — to now, with a focus on finding the “right” balance of in-person and remote in a new hybrid world (Work 3.0).

Not only are organizations and leaders struggling to keep up with the business and digital transformations that the Work 3.0 era requires, but the inability to keep up with people’s changing expectations has manifested in global trends like the “Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting” movements sweeping the world.

A major shift is fundamentally changing when, where, and how work occurs — and there’s no turning back now.

Leadership Success in Work 3.0

8 Keys for Leading in the Work 3.0 Era

Our Asia-Pacific (APAC) WORK 3.0 study identifies what leaders must know about the hybrid world. It separates myths from reality; illustrates how leaders must frame the “tensions” and polarities in the new work environment; and explains how they must transform themselves and their organizations for success in the new hybrid — or “Work 3.0” — era.

1. Employees want more from work.

Recent global disruption has caused stakeholders to expect more from corporations. Employees want more meaningful work, higher flexibility, and a better quality of life.

2. Hybrid, or Work 3.0, has emerged as the preferred model.

After being fully remote through the pandemic, most organizations are now testing to see what combination of on-site and remote works best for them. They’re working to balance flexibility for employees on the one hand, and productivity and efficiency on the other hand.

3. Organization context dictates viability and version of hybrid model.

Different versions of hybrid work for different organizations. Organization culture, type of work, leader level, leader age/generation, and national culture are some of the variables that dictate its viability.

4. Success in Work 3.0 centers on people and culture.

While technology is often celebrated as the biggest enabler of hybrid working, the success of the hybrid model actually hinges on people, teams, and organizational culture.

5. Leaders’ success depends on their mindsets and attributes.

Leaders must be dynamic and agile as they align their capabilities with Work 3.0 — and mindset shifts must precede skillset changes. These shifts mostly center on trust, communication, and growth.

6. Some leaders do much better than others.

Leaders’ comfort and success with Work 3.0 exists on a broad spectrum, with those who thrive in a hybrid world and champion flexibility and collaboration on one end, and those who are struggling to find their feet on the other end.

7. Team success in Work 3.0 hinges on 4 key elements.

For teams to deliver on business needs in a hybrid work environment, they must have core agreements about how people work together, collective mindset or team culture, cohesion or intra-team relationships, and connections across teams.

8. Leaders must also play 5 roles to make Work 3.0 a success.

Leaders must lean on their Work 3.0 mindsets and attributes to navigate the tensions inherent in hybrid work. In doing so, leaders must embrace 5 key roles that will dictate whether these tensions act as “springs” or “mines.”

Work 3.0 Requires a Culture Shift

Ultimately, leaders must work toward curating a human-centric culture that puts people at the center of their hybrid work strategy. Excelling in a hybrid work environment requires leaders to build cohesion among colleagues working together from disparate locations, fending off burnout, being intentional about inclusion, and strengthening shared culture.

Based on inputs from 2,200 leaders across 13 countries, our study on Work 3.0 represents more than 8 months of research led by our APAC research team, in partnership with 15 organizations in the region. With this study, we aim to help leaders examine the current status of their collective leadership and look at how they can amplify the longer-term positive impact of Work 3.0 on their organizations, communities, and the societies they serve.

Download the WORK 3.0 Research Report

Download the WORK 3.0 Research Report

Download this APAC research report now to learn more about the 8 keys to success when leading in the era of Work 3.0.

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The post WORK 3.0: Reimagining Leadership in a Hybrid World appeared first on CCL.
