Client Success Archive | CCL Leadership Development Drives Results. We Can Prove It. Fri, 21 Jun 2024 07:31:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RPM International Builds a Culture of Feedback Tue, 28 May 2024 15:22:25 +0000 Learn how CCL partnered with RPM International to build a culture of feedback starting with having better conversations every day.

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RPM International Builds a Culture of Feedback

RPM International logo
CLIENT:RPM International Inc, a $7.3 billion, multinational company with subsidiaries that are world leaders in specialty coatings, sealants and building materials, is known for such market-leading consumer brands as DAP, Rust-Oleum and Kwik Seal.
LOCATION:Headquartered in Medina, Ohio
SIZE:17,300 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

Consumers and professionals around the world trust RPM International’s brands to protect and preserve homes, workplaces, and even iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty.

But company leaders know it’s the people behind those products who make the $7.3 billion multinational company the success it is today.

“Our CEO likes to say, ‘We don’t make anything at corporate headquarters. All the making happens at our respective companies,’ ” says Randy McShepard, Chief Talent Officer at RPM. “Let’s be clear about that.”

Once a small, family-owned business, today RPM’s respective companies comprise a complex network of 80 business units and four operating groups. And with 17,300 associates working in more than 120 global facilities and the corporate office, effective communication can be challenging.

So when communication cropped up as a top concern on employee surveys a few years ago, CEO Frank C. Sullivan took note. Sullivan, whose grandfather founded the company’s forerunner to RPM in 1947, believes success depends on valuing the worth of every associate and their combined contributions. RPM’s core values — transparency, trust and respect — are foundational to its culture of doing business the right way for the right reasons.

“With a company our size, he was becoming more concerned about whether he really understood the pulse of our employees. Did he really know what they care about?” McShepard notes. “Are they loving coming to work every day or are they flight risks just waiting for the next opportunity because they don’t necessarily have strong connections or communication with their leaders, their peers, and the corporate office? While this type of assessment had been done at the group level, it had not been done across the entire company in comprehensive fashion.”

CCL Case Study: RPM International Builds a Culture of Feedback


RPM International turned to a trusted partner, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®, to meet its communication challenges head-on. The two had worked together before with positive results.

And CCL had just the right fit: a highly immersive and practical program called Better Conversations Every Day™ that is designed to build a coaching culture of feedback within all levels of an organization. Participants learn core behaviors and practice the types of candid conversations that build stronger relationships, fuel collaboration, and enable better business outcomes.

“When we were introduced to the Better Conversations Every Day model, we thought, if CCL is offering it, it’s probably worth taking a close look at. And that ended up being exactly the case,” McShepard recalls. “CCL gave us all the support that we needed to be bold enough to try to build a program from the ground up.”

RPM launched the program in 2020, starting with senior officers at corporate headquarters and the four operating groups.  Their enthusiasm for the BCE experience quickly cascaded throughout the company, McShepard said.

“All of the leaders got excited about it. So it wasn’t a tough sell to then go to our operating companies to say, ‘OK, this is what we now want you to do.’ “

Early on, RPM worked with CCL to get its own people trained as facilitators so the program could be scaled company-wide. These associates participated in CCL’s train-the-trainer certification process consisting of a series of asynchronous study lessons and three group sessions – including practice sessions delivering program content, followed by coaching and feedback. The training is designed to help internal trainers improve their facilitation skills, become intimately familiar with the program content, and gain confidence to deliver it by hands-on practice.

Shelly Wilson served on the company’s Global Organizational Leadership Development (GOLD) Team at the time and volunteered to be the in-house coordinator of the initiative.

The 8-hour workshop, offered in-person or live online, takes place several times a year, with 24 to 36 employees taking part in each session. Participants are broken into groups of 4 that each work with an assigned coach. They are grouped with associates they do not work for or with to encourage openness and vulnerability. Everyone is asked to bring real-life work issues to the table for the practice sessions.

Associates learn the skills necessary to grapple with difficult issues candidly. One such tool is CCL’s research-backed Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model, which is proven to reduce both the anxiety of delivering feedback during challenging conversations and the defensiveness of the recipient. The method is simple and direct: capture and clarify the situation, describe the specific behaviors observed, and explain the impact of those behaviors.

“SBI is such a powerful tool, and it ties so well with listening to understand and asking powerful questions. All three of those are just so important,” Wilson says. “We really push the vulnerability and trust aspect of it, and that has made a big difference because people share more. The model really works.”


The Better Conversations Every Day training has become so popular at RPM that new hires are lining up to participate in the next workshops. And RPM now is offering a 2-hour, virtual “refresher” course for associates who want to brush up on the skills they learned in the original workshop.

“We have trained 1,267 people to date and I have surveys for every single one of those,” Wilson notes. “And not one — not one — thought it wasn’t impactful and that it should not be scaled throughout the company.”

Indeed, 99% of participants report they can apply the knowledge and skills learned in BCE sessions to their jobs.

“Educational and paradigm shifting,” one associate wrote.

 “Empowering” and “Eye-opening,” wrote others.

Additional survey results are overwhelmingly positive:
of participants are better able to listen to understand.
of participants are better able to ask powerful questions.
of participants are better able to challenge and support.

These results check a lot of boxes for McShepard. “All of that tells me as the Chief Talent Officer that this is a product that our associates are pleased with, that they see clear value in participating in it and they want more of it.”

Harrison Sturdivant, Strategic Business Partner at CCL, says of the partnership, “We’ve been on amazing journey of impact in service of RPM’s vision for a better and stronger culture around the world.  Working collaboratively with the team has been an honor and continues to build on CCL’s commitment to results that matter.” 

Investing in a feedback culture has proven to be a wise decision for RPM, McShepard says. So, too, is partnering with CCL.

“There’s a lot of great leadership organizations out there that do this work, but the professionalism and the precision that we’ve experienced with CCL puts them at the top of the heap in our book,” he says.

“We’re proud of our partnership with CCL and proud of how far we’ve come with BCE and the impact that is making on our company.
What more can we ask for?”

Participants Say

“CCL gave us all the support that we needed to be bold enough to try to build a program from the ground up.”

Randy McShepard

“We really push the vulnerability and trust aspect of it, and that has made a big difference because people share more. The model really works.” 

Shelly Wilson

“Educational and paradigm shifting” 

Program Participant

Partner With Us

We can work with you to build a culture of feedback which is key to improved communication within your organization. It all begins with better conversations every day, from the front desk to the corner office.

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A Game-Changer: Securitas Elevates Leadership to Achieve Its Most Ambitious Business Goals Yet Mon, 05 Feb 2024 13:27:04 +0000 Learn how Securitas partnered with us to elevate their leaders on a journey to achieve ambitious business goals.

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A Game-Changer: Securitas Elevates Leadership to Achieve Its Most Ambitious Business Goals Yet

Securitas logo
CLIENT:Securitas North America, a security industry leader in the United States, Canada, and Mexico that combines specialized guarding services with world-class technology
LOCATION:Headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey
SIZE:121,000 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

When Securitas North America set out to become the modern security services leader in its industry, the company’s C-suite executives knew they couldn’t conduct business as usual.

They had to think big. Do something bold.

They also knew the most important factor to drive this transformation would be the strength of their mid-level managers, individually and collectively.

So, in a high-stakes move, the executive team decided to double down on investments to build the most exceptional leadership team capable of launching the company to the next level.

“We knew that to meet the business priorities that we’ve outlined over the next two years, it was a business imperative to strengthen the capabilities of our leaders,” said Antonia Elliott, Vice President of Talent Development at Securitas.


In partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®, Securitas created Accelerate, a 6-month leadership development journey divided into 3 cohorts of 24 area vice presidents (AVPs). During months of meticulous planning, every element of the customized, highly immersive initiative was designed to equip participants with the self-awareness and skills required to be high-performing leaders.

The first cohort began by taking a battery of leadership assessments, including a 360-degree Securitas tool that systematically collects perspectives about an individual’s performance from peers, direct reports, and superiors — and provides a complete view of a leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth. The exercise proved eye-opening for the AVPs.

With this vital feedback in hand, the AVPs embarked on a 2-day experience during which they met face-to-face with the company’s executive leadership team to discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities for Securitas. They began to make connections between the company’s larger strategy and their own leadership development, setting the tone, foundation, and expectations for their individual and collective growth as leaders. Participants then explored leadership as a social process and engaged in activities that demonstrate how trust and psychological safety are key to effective collaboration. Challenged to take a hard look at their own leadership practices, the AVPs prepared to deepen their learning through the live online modules, peer team sessions, and coaching that followed during the next few months. Each AVP was teamed with an executive coach throughout the initiative.

Just as their journey began, it culminated with a second 2-day retreat focused on developing and retaining talent through effective communication. Through hands-on practice and working in small groups, the AVPs began to develop a communication style of their own — learning how to coach, give feedback, and ignite better conversations with team members. Finally, they explored how they can drive and sustain impact as Securitas leaders when equipped with such tools as our Direction – Alignment – Commitment (DAC)™ Model for Leadership and 4 core skills for coaching conversations.

After the second gathering, the AVPs met with their executive coaches to create action plans with next steps.

What initially started as a leadership program for a select group of mid-level managers quickly expanded to become an integral development program across all leadership ranks.

“We quickly realized, if we’re really going to bring about the cultural transformation that would go hand-in-hand with the digital transformation, that we had to go really big with this program and make it mandatory for the majority of our field-facing leadership teams. CCL helped us with that,” Elliott said.

Finding the right partner to build just the right program for Securitas proved to be a critical decision, making for a smooth and meaningful experience for those involved.

“CCL’s programs are steeped in research and have very strong facilitators who truly know how to engage business leaders in pragmatic ways and share easy-to-use, practical tools that the leaders can start using right away,” Elliott noted.

“We have very high expectations of our partners — and working with CCL’s implementation team exceeded those expectations.”

“Rarely do we find partners who are willing to walk the talk as powerfully as Securitas and its senior leadership,” said Ren Washington, Lead Solutions Partner for Securitas. “One of the most inspiring things the senior leadership attitude helped create was how ready the AVPs were to be trusted and how excited they were to demonstrate they were worth the investment.”


It’s too soon to measure the precise impact of Accelerate — only one of 3 cohorts has completed the entirety of its work. Securitas plans to collect data on each cohort 6 months out using the Kirkpatrick Model, which analyzes and evaluates training programs based on reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

Success will be measured by concrete actions and behaviors related to collaborating across boundaries, leading high-performing teams, developing and retaining talent, and leading with an innovation mindset.

That said, informal feedback thus far shows the initiative has created a palpable — and unprecedented — level of excitement about learning among managers at Securitas. While the first cohort of AVPs came into Accelerate a bit skeptical of what they would learn, that quickly changed when they experienced what the program had to offer in the very first immersion.

“They were coming in not really knowing what to expect and they left extremely inspired,” Elliott said. “That’s one word that we’re hearing over and over again from our leaders after the first in-person immersion is that they’re inspired — they feel valued, they feel listened to, they feel vulnerable, and they feel like they have a lot to learn.

“Their passion and enthusiasm showed so much that the second cohort came in really excited. That was a beautiful shift, especially with leaders who have been with the business for 20-plus years.”

And the shifting did not stop there: Accelerate has ignited an awakening about leadership development among the company’s highest ranks.

“While our senior executives know that we need to build the capabilities of our leaders to meet our business priorities, they are also holding a mirror to themselves,” Elliott said.

“They are thinking about leadership development holistically and they are asking themselves what they might need to change to be able to lead more effectively and move the company forward.”

A Leadership Journey: Measuring Success
Success will be measured by concrete actions and behaviors relating to:
Collaborating across boundaries: Reaching out to colleagues and teams to partner on best practices. Creating direction, alignment, and commitment in critical relationships.
Leading high-performing teams: Reporting high levels of direction, alignment, and commitment. Reaching KPIs more quickly and consistently. Cultivating high trust and accountability.
Developing and retaining talent: Creating a culture where employees feel ownership and accountability and feel supported in their professional growth.
Leading with an innovation mindset: Leveraging other AVPs to think about and propose new innovations. Increasing willingness to take a risk and fail fast, and to share mistakes and lessons learned to promote innovation.
(what participants said)
increased their effectiveness as a leader
felt prepared for future leadership responsibilities
increased awareness of the impact their behavior has on others

Participants Say

“Executive coaching helped our AVPs to be introspective. Being so used to solving problems and focusing on others, it was eye-opening for them to learn that leadership starts with themselves. As a result of coaching, AVPs felt empowered to navigate challenges in their work.”

Robbie van Kippersluis

Director of Talent Development

“Working with CCL really opened my eyes … I went into the Accelerate program hoping it would be beneficial, and I came out of the Accelerate program embracing the training as quite possibly the best individual training in my 29 years with Securitas. The format, content, and full collaboration between my peers and the CCL management team have made a difference in my performance and, more importantly, my leadership. I learned how to listen more, ask more questions, and embrace transformational change. The core principles of Lead, Teach, and Mentor have been implemented into my daily routine with my valued team members.”

Mike Fiorillo


“Learning more about providing and receiving good feedback has been a game-changer. Today, I am alive and aware of how having great conversations provokes better engagement and astounding outcomes for me and my people. I consistently let others in my organization know the impact CCL has had on me and encourage them to immerse themselves in the program when they get the opportunity to attend.”

Kelly Senados


“Since this program, I have woven newfound insights into my leadership fabric, fostering collaboration, innovation, and a vision to propel both my team and myself toward a greater success. They breathed life into my leadership style, infusing it with the reminder to lead with empathy, vision, and the courage to pioneer meaningful change in my workplace.”

Kimberly Brown


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SGX Group Partners With CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement by Building Internal Coaching Skills & Capacity Thu, 19 Oct 2023 12:53:14 +0000 Learn how Singapore Exchange Group improved its culture and increased the leadership impact of its managers and executives with scalable training to build coaching mindsets and skills.

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SGX Group Partners With CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement by Building Internal Coaching Skills & Capacity

Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) logo
CLIENT:Singapore Exchange Group (SGX)
SIZE:1,100 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) is Asia’s leading and trusted securities and derivatives market infrastructure, operating equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity markets to the highest regulatory standards. SGX is committed to facilitating economic growth in a sustainable manner, leveraging its roles as a key player in the ecosystem, a business, a regulator, and a listed company.

Based in Singapore, SGX is Asia’s most international multi-asset exchange, providing listing, trading, clearing, settlement, depository, and data services. The organization is globally recognized for its risk management and clearing capabilities.

When the COVID-19 pandemic sent SGX’s workers home, it transformed how the company operated day-to-day and raised new opportunities and challenges for senior executives and managers.

In an environment where the person-to-person connections were only virtual, company leaders sought guidance on how to better engage employees. Based on feedback from employee surveys, members of the company’s executive management team saw a need to be more accessible and inspiring in the difficult period of the pandemic. Frontline managers, in turn, needed to establish a sense of community and connection with their teams working from home to better engage employees.

SGX scaled up digital learning at work and sought to amplify employees’ ability to transfer that learning to business applications. For deeper learning to occur, employees need to feel psychologically safe and highly connected. For SGX, it was people managers who had the most potential to create a space where employees were engaged and felt safe to better learn and apply those learnings to the business.

Case Study: SGX Group Partners with CCL to Boost Remote Worker Engagement and Learning

Solution and Results

SGX partnered with The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® to develop a coaching mindset and skills that would increase the leadership impact of managers and executives. The initiative had 2 main goals:

  1. Create a cadre of internal coaches who would provide ongoing coaching to employees.
  2. Develop an impactful coaching experience for senior leaders and high potentials embedded in intensive development programs.

SGX viewed coaching as a transformative leadership tool because of how its benefits could ripple through the organization and reach all groups the company was concerned about: senior leaders, people managers, and frontline workers.

CCL drew on its Better Conversations and Coaching curriculum to train about 40 senior leaders as internal coaches. The SGX and CCL teams worked closely to handpick and identify senior leaders with a developmental focus.

Across 2 levels of Better Conversations and Coaching, each with about 30 hours of training time, participant coaches learned 4 foundational skills:

  • Listen to understand.
  • Ask powerful questions.
  • Challenge and support.
  • Establish next steps and accountability.

Participants learned to use these skills in their day-to-day interactions, as well as in formal coaching sessions. Participants also received small group coaching from more experienced coaches.

CCL and SGX partnered to foster an internal community of coaches at SGX who support each other. Coaches met every quarter to share success stories and learnings. These high-impact sessions deepened reflection and advanced the learning among the leader coaches.

This program has created significant coaching capacity among the senior leaders of the organization and generated valuable opportunities for mid-level and frontline leaders to receive coaching. The leader coaches started by coaching their direct teams; some leaders also coach cross-functionally.

The prestigious Management Associate program at SGX was another opportunity to leverage senior leaders’ coaching capacity. A set of leaders from the group of 40 were assigned as mentors to the Management Associates through a structured six-month program. The goal was to provide every management associate with an internal coaching and mentoring opportunity.

SGX has successfully cultivated a comprehensive learning environment that prioritizes coaching and development, thereby fostering a robust learning culture. This strategic approach has led to a significant increase in employee engagement survey results on learning & development, surpassing industry norms. The company’s commitment to learning and development has resulted in employees feeling more engaged at work.

As SGX strengthens its culture and implements new business initiatives, senior leaders are better prepared to act as change coaches and culture ambassadors to continue the SGX growth story.

A post-program employee survey showed measurable increases in favorable engagement scores:
reported their managers keep them informed about what is happening at SGX.
said management shows a genuine interest in employee career aspirations.
said managers are great role models of SGX behaviors.
believe their job performance is evaluated fairly.

Participants Say

“[The training] provided some tools and techniques in helping the coach to engage and allow a more productive engagement with the coachee. It is particularly useful as the roleplay reinforces what was taught.”

Program Participant

Wholesale Markets & Platforms

“Using an analogy, coaching is like learning how to cook a dish: You may know the basics after the course, but mastering the process is a lifelong journey. There is always room for improvement.” 

Program Participant

Human Resources

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We can work with you to create a customized solution that builds coaching capacity among your leaders, leading to a stronger coaching culture across your organization.

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Aga Khan Foundation Partners With CCL to Design and Deliver WiL Programme Wed, 06 Sep 2023 12:44:40 +0000 Learn how CCL partnered with Aga Khan Foundation to design and deliver the (Women in Leadership) WiL programme to elevate its emerging female leaders.

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Aga Khan Foundation Partners With CCL to Design and Deliver WiL Programme

Aga Khan Foundation logo
CLIENT:Aga Khan Foundation
LOCATION:Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
SIZE:3,950 staff serving 13.5 million beneficiaries per year in 13 countries.

Client Profile & Challenge

Founded over 50 years ago, The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) seeks to improve the quality of life, promote pluralism, and enhance self-reliance in marginalised communities across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. As an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) – one of the world’s leading international development organisations – AKF works in partnership with communities, governments, and others to deliver a long-term, community-based approach to development. In addition, AKF often plays a convening, partnership development, policy dialogue, and resource mobilisation role for AKDN and its agencies.

Each year, AKF invests approximately US $220 million in the potential of people of all faiths and backgrounds, especially women and girls, using a holistic approach that is locally rooted but globally informed. AKF draws on the expertise of highly skilled local staff in each of the countries where it operates, as well as colleagues across the wider AKDN, to deliver sustainable, innovative, and locally led programmes. As part of its commitment to gender equality, AKF invested in a Women in Leadership (WiL) programme to elevate its emerging female leaders. Their intention was to focus on self-development and to provide coaching, sponsorship, and peer support on a sustained basis, while engaging key stakeholders before, during, and after the engagement. AKF also focused on the importance of creating a supportive, inclusive environment to enable the women in the programme to succeed. AKF’s inclusive approach involved bringing together line managers, male allies, and the participants themselves into joint sessions to create the space needed to discuss the challenges they would face in their leadership journeys.

AKF received more than 100 applications from women leaders in a variety of fields and roles, and 25 were selected for the programme using a multi-layered evaluation and interview process. Those selected represented 13 different countries (including 3 leaders from AKF’s sister agencies, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) and Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS).

Pictures shared by AKF, illustrating its work with women around the world:


AKF partnered with The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® to design and deliver the WiL programme. It kicked off with a co-led meeting with opening remarks from the AKF General Manager and an inspiring keynote speech by an Afghani executive from Roshan Telecom, who shared insights from her journey to become a female leader in a complex environment.

The WiL programme design engaged a multi-module and multi-modal format over a 6-month period to create safe spaces for honest discussions and active exercises leading to heightened experiences. The 4 core modules, which were presented in live online sessions, focused on the following themes:

  • Women’s Leadership Identity and Self Awareness
  • High Stakes Communication
  • Building Networks and Partnerships
  • Power and Influence

CCL infused WiL’s learning journey with a thoughtful variety of lessons, experiences, and conversations which were each tied to the participants’ personal leadership challenges. In addition to the live online core modules, the programme elements designed to boost engagement and learning included:

  • 3 assessments, debriefed by an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-certified CCL executive coach
  • 6 hours of executive coaching across the 6-month training period
  • A conversation with each participant’s line manager to understand the AKF leadership landscape
  • 3 intermodular sessions focused on effective leadership from an equity, diversity, and inclusion perspective for participants, allies, sponsors, and line managers
  • A capstone event to celebrate achievements and share stories
  • Informal “Learning Circles” hosted by AKF to build relationships between core modules
  • A Reflection Journal jointly developed by CCL and AKF for participants to record their learning experiences, insights, and thoughts

An action-oriented 6-month AKF mentorship component connected to a Collaborative Learning Project to ensure sustainable impact post-programme.

Impact Data

overall programme satisfaction reported by participants
0 %
said they will be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned to improve their impact on their organization or community’s success
0 %
of participants reported making meaningful connections
0 %


“AKF’s global Women in Leadership (WiL) progamme not only brought greater awareness overall to the importance of investing in female leadership, but also created the demand for more leadership, coaching, and developmental opportunities for both women and men across the organisation,” said Staci Frost, Director, Organisational Effectiveness.

Following AKF’s 6-month Women in Leadership programme, participants committed to share the knowledge gained with their teams, build more resilient work cultures, engage in more networking and mentoring, and find ways to support other women. For example, alumni from 3 different countries worked together to grow the Learning Circle component of the WiL (informal, facilitated conversations with female leaders) into a standalone programme, which is now being implemented in their respective countries.

Participants Say

“The programme completely changed how I viewed myself as a leader, I was able to look at my strengths and perceived weaknesses as a whole package, needed for my specific kind of leadership brand. I noted that several women leaders … and many struggle with very similar challenges; what’s important is to push through the challenge.”

WiL Programme Participant

“All the modules covered during the 6 months … from how to give feedback to networking, self-care, and high-stake communications … were very well designed and each one covered a very important concept to help me improve and grow professionally and personally.”

WiL Programme Participant

“Having a safe space for women to interact, discuss, and learn from one another created a safe haven and forged bonds of women globally who can be lifelong supporters.”

WiL Programme Participant

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We understand how community-led and community-based initiatives can help build a foundation for real change and greater transformation. We partner with foundations and philanthropic organizations to create customized leadership solutions, including women’s leadership development, that allow you to expand your impact and the meaningful work you bring to the world.

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Cognizant Bolsters Women Leaders & Strengthens Gender Diversity in Its Leadership Pipeline Fri, 03 Feb 2023 14:07:07 +0000 Learn how Cognizant partnered with CCL to achieve gender diversity goals through training, mentorship, and professional development.

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Cognizant Bolsters Women Leaders & Strengthens Gender Diversity in Its Leadership Pipeline

Cognizant logo
CLIENT:Cognizant, a multinational information technology services and consulting company
LOCATION:Headquartered in Teaneck, NJ
SIZE:Over 318,000 employees

Client Profile & Challenge

Cognizant is a leading global business and technology consultancy serving many Global 2000 clients. In a rapidly accelerating digital landscape, the company is executing a bold agenda and helping clients use technology to improve everyday lives.

The organization recognizes that people are its most important asset, and as a result, strives to cultivate an inclusive work environment in which all employees are engaged, feel valued, and have the opportunity to develop and succeed.

“Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is essential to every organization that needs to deeply understand and serve its customers,” says Brian Humphries, Chief Executive Officer at Cognizant.

“Inclusion and diversity are key components to creating conditions for everyone to thrive. Our Propel program does just that by accelerating gender diversity globally in the leadership pipeline,” adds Shameka Young, Chief Diversity Officer at Cognizant, on the key driver to initiate the Propel program.

“One focus area is supporting gender diversity, and levelling the playing field for women in tech careers around the world. The company has made significant progress in setting and committing to gender goals that invest in women through training, mentorship, and professional development.”

Cognizant Propel CCL Case Study


In partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)®, Cognizant’s Leadership Development Academy designed its signature women’s leadership development program, Propel, for mid- and senior-level women leaders across the globe. A journey that began in 2018, the program was collaboratively designed to accelerate a diverse leadership pipeline and enable women business leaders to thrive and succeed in a digital era.

“It has been an exhilarating experience to have over 1,000 of our trailblazing women leaders go through the Propel program. We partnered with the Center for Creative Leadership to create this development journey that has helped us build a community of women leaders which supports and celebrates one another,” shares Sreedevi Palit, Solution Architect and Program Manager of Propel. 

The 3-month Propel experience includes: 

  • Expert sessions with CCL faculty, aligned to themes enabling women leaders to amplify their leadership brand, enhance executive presence, and expanding their strategic networks;
  • Mentoring support;
  • Peer networking and access to internal and external leaders and thought leaders; and
  • Building a community of women that supports and celebrates one another.

With a sharpened focus on global gender diversity in their leadership pipeline, Cognizant pledged to MAKERS – a global organization dedicated to inspiring change-makers of tomorrow – to put 1,000 high-performing women in leadership levels through Propel by the end of 2021. 



In the fall of 2019, much ahead of its pledged timeline, Cognizant achieved the target of sending 1,000+ high-performing women leaders through the Propel initiative. The company’s targeted approach around D&I ensures diverse employees not only feel welcome, but also have the support and opportunities they need to advance in the company.

Propel has fostered a community of over 1,000 women to fuel even stronger careers and collectively uplift the performance of Cognizant. Propel graduates often experience career advancement at a significantly higher pace compared to others in a similar talent pool, and the program creates a growing community of women who support and celebrate one another. 

Participants Say

“Propel is an empowering journey that focuses on authentic, people-centered leadership. It is a phase of self-reflection that creatively transforms and instills the vision of one’s own brand and value to the organization.”

Partner With Us

We can work with you to develop a custom women’s leadership development program designed to equip women who are already proven leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to have greater impact and broader influence within their organizations. 

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Waddington Endowment Funds Leadership Development & Drastically Increases Principal Retention Tue, 15 Nov 2022 14:04:46 +0000 Learn how Vermont Principals' Association partnered with CCL to to provide a leadership development program for K-12 leaders across the state.

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Waddington Endowment Funds Leadership Development & Drastically Increases Principal Retention

Vermont Principals' Assocation logo - VPA partnered with CCL to improve principal retention through the Waddington leadership development program
CLIENT:Vermont Principals’ Association
LOCATION:Montpelier, VT
SIZE:300+ schools

Client Profile & Challenge

Effective principals are a key element for successful schools. Their influence motivates teachers and staff, strengthens school cultures, and improves student outcomes. Creating a successful school takes time and requires continuity of strong leadership.

However, principal turnover is a chronic issue across the country.

Even before the global pandemic, studies show nearly 20% of U.S. principals left their positions each year. And principal churn not only impacts student achievement, but is also financially costly for schools. According to the nonprofit School Leaders Network, the costs to develop, hire, and onboard a new principal range between $36,850 and $303,000; with conservative estimates placing the average cost at about $75,000.

A brief from the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) suggests that district and school leaders and federal and state policymakers should implement a number of strategies to increase principal retention — one of which is offering high-quality, ongoing professional leadership development for educators.

Waddington Endowment Funds Leadership Development Program & Drastically Increases Principal Retention


The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® is committed to supporting our work to strengthen leadership for social change — creating leaders who can embrace change, build strong teams, and successfully overcome challenges they face, particularly in educational communities.

A sizable endowment from alumna Dr. Margaret Waddington has enabled CCL, in partnership with the Vermont Principals’ Association, to provide a leadership development program for K-12 leaders across the state. The Dr. Margaret Waddington Institute for School Leadership flagship program launched in 2017, and has served almost half of Vermont’s principals to date. 

“The Vermont Principals’ Association is committed to developing and growing leadership skills in Vermont School Leaders. Our partnership with CCL through the Dr. Margaret Waddington Institute for School Leadership has been an immense blessing. Evaluations at the end of the program clearly demonstrate the strong positive effect on school leaders. The networking, skill training, and understanding of self as a leader is instrumental in successful outcomes for participants. It is our hope that every single educational leader in Vermont will have the opportunity to participate in the program; it is simply outstanding.,” said Jay Nichols, Executive Director of the Vermont Principals’ Association and Vermont 2018 Superintendent of the Year.

The goals of this cohort-based multi-session program are to:

  • Develop principal capacity to create a positive school culture;
  • Increase psychological capital of principal participants;
  • Improve principal ability to build trust with their teachers and staff; and
  • Help principals feel supported through a collaboration network of school leaders across the state.

This year-long, innovative leadership development program for K-12 principals features a mix of learning applications, including: 

  • Face-to-face and virtual classroom sessions
  • Curated leadership tools, books, and video content
  • Personalized executive coaching (both in-person and virtual follow-up calls)

Donor Profile

The late Dr. Margaret Waddington was one of the many individuals whose life was transformed by our flagship Leadership Development Program (LDP)®. In fact, the pioneering neurologist and resident of Rutland, Vermont, became a strong financial supporter of CCL, and upon her passing in 2015, entrusted the organization with a multimillion-dollar estate gift to ensure ongoing access to leadership development for the people of Vermont.


Program evaluation findings from the first 4 years of the program clearly demonstrate that the Waddington principals had significantly less turnover than non-participant principals in Vermont. Participating principals noted significant increases in their psychological wellbeing (feelings of efficacy, hope, and resiliency) and their support network of other teachers, both important indicators linked to reducing principal turnover.

In 81% of schools, teachers reported noticing positive change in their principal. With more than 750 teachers reporting pre- and post-program, the teachers cited these specific positive changes in their principals:  

  • Ability to empower teachers: The principals are more supportive, get more input, and distribute work and leadership equitably 
  • Increased confidence: The principals are more willing to make decisions and act
  • Better communication skills: The principals are more transparent and respond more regularly
  • Enhanced focus on positive school climate: The principals focus more on social-emotional outcomes and equity 

Approximately 40% of public-school principals in Vermont chose to participate at the beginning of the Waddington program, and it’s clear that program participation has significantly reduced principal turnover, which translates to a cost savings of $1.4M for the state of Vermont. 

Principal Retention: Participants vs. Non-Participants 4 Years After Waddington Development Program Start
Still principals in Vermont
Waddington participants
Non-Waddington participants
Still principals in the same school
Waddington participants
Non-Waddington participants

Participants Say

“The Margaret Waddington Institute for School Leaders is a wonderful experience. The time spent reflecting on oneself and the time taken to develop areas of focus is an experience in which all school leaders should participate.”

Elizabeth Coltey

Wells Village School

Partner With Us

Our K-12 team provides educational leadership development solutions for the classroom, the school, and the community. Whether you’re an organization seeking to improve principal retention or education across your community, or a superintendent, headmaster, or principal eager to participate in research-driven educational leadership training, we have a program to meet your needs. We also partner with foundations for philanthropic leadership development that transforms entire communities.

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Jollibee Foods Builds Conversational Skills, Instills a Coaching Culture Across the Organization Sat, 02 Jul 2022 13:09:38 +0000 Learn how Jollibee Foods partnered with CCL to build conversational skills, reinforcing a cohesive coaching culture across the organization as it expands internationally.

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Jollibee Foods Builds Conversational Skills, Instills a Coaching Culture Across the Organization

Jollibee Foods Corporation logo
CLIENT:Jollibee Foods Corporation, the largest fast-food chain brand in the Philippines
LOCATION:Headquartered in Pasig, Philippines, with 5,900+ stores worldwide
SIZE:16,000+ employees


Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) is one of the largest global food companies with 16 brands operating in 33 countries. The organization was seeking to establish a One JFC Coaching Culture that would empower employees and teams and reinforce a cohesive organizational culture as it continued to expand internationally. 

The unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic also led to an increased need for approaches and tools that could help JFC leaders navigate uncertainty with more self-awareness and resilience. In addition to needing to build a cohesive coaching culture, JFC needed a leadership development solution that would enable employees to communicate and engage with one another more effectively in a virtual environment and successfully adjust to the new world of work. 

Jollibee Foods Deploys Scalable Training Solution to Instill a Coaching Culture Across the Organization


Jollibee Foods Corporation chose to partner with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® out of a desire to form a trusting relationship with a solution provider. JFC wanted a partner that would work closely to understand the company’s unique needs and develop a solution that would deliver results.

The journey began with a custom face-to-face coaching skills program, Coaching for Greater Effectiveness, provided to 200 top leaders at JFC. Starting with senior leaders allowed for buy-in and support of the initiative, and ultimately led to increased traction as the larger-scale conversational skills program, Better Conversations Every Day (BCE)™, was rolled out to all managers through a train-the-trainer model.

The program was pivoted to a live online virtual format in 2020 to nimbly adapt to the COVID-19 situation and continue the momentum of the initiative.

The CCL team worked closely with JFC to co-create the journey and program design, making adjustments along the way to maximize the impact in both the face-to-face and virtual environments. The journey included learning modules, assessments, online digital tools, and post-program pulse checks.

Involvement of JFC leaders throughout the process was a critical success factor. In addition to participating as sponsors and key stakeholders, a number of JFC leaders were trained as virtual breakout room hosts and led the small group discussions. The approach further increased the level of coaching capability within the organization and created comfort as participants were able to speak their local language.

Incorporating learnings from initial sessions into future iterations was key to maximizing the ROI for the initiative. With accumulated exposure to virtual coaching and training, it became apparent that facilitators and coaches needed to adopt additional tools and techniques to maintain high levels of engagement with participants. More interactive activities, such as polling, annotation, and quizzes were utilized in the program design as a result.

Online BCE Program Impact Data
Participant Ratings
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 5 (to a very great extent)
Overall satisfaction with the program
The session was a worthwhile investment of my time and effort
l earned new knowledge and/or skills from the session
I am confident in my ability to apply the new knowledge/skills learned


So far, the One JFC Coaching Culture has resulted in notable positive outcomes for the company, including significant improvement in managers’ ability to:

  • Engage in difficult conversations
  • Provide feedback for development
  • Support colleagues to be the best version of themselves

Data from hundreds of leaders within JFC confirms that virtual BCE sessions have been equally impactful compared to face-to-face BCE sessions. When asked to rate overall satisfaction with the program, participants of both face-to-face and virtual programs have given an average of 4.8 out of 5. A recent pulse check that measures behaviors and outcomes from the perspective of direct reports shows virtual sessions receiving even higher scores on leadership effectiveness compared to face-to-face.

Overall, employees across store brands report that their direct managers are challenging and supporting them more effectively, which has led to positive transformation across the organization.

Participants Say

“With the use of BCE techniques, we were able to pinpoint the exact problem and as a result, as of today, our store has ‘zero’ complaints pertaining to delivery.”

“I immediately put [new skills] into practice after the course and saw improvement on the performance of the person I was coaching.”

“I felt psychologically safe in practicing and making mistakes while doing the activities.”

“It was so much more than what I was expecting. It was fun and engaging and I learned so much that I can actually apply in both my professional and personal life.”

Partner With Us

We can work with you to create a customized solution that will help to build coaching and conversational skills, leading to a stronger coaching culture across your organization.

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The Americas Region of Kao Embarks on Journey to Build Vibrant, People-Centered Culture Fri, 24 Jun 2022 12:47:05 +0000 Learn how CCL helped Kao build a long-term strategy to drive business growth in the Americas by building a more people-centered organizational culture.

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The Americas Region of Kao Embarks on Journey to Build Vibrant, People-Centered Culture

Kao logo
CLIENT:Kao Corporation, Americas Region, a provider of leading health and beauty products to the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 
LOCATION:Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio
SIZE:1,200 employees

Client Challenge

The Americas region at Kao prides itself on a culture that puts people first — not only in the products it delivers that make the world a better place, but the culture that allows employees to thrive within its own organization.

It’s known as the Kao Way.

So when leaders at Kao set out to build a long-term strategy to drive business growth in the Americas region — and to meet the rapidly evolving needs of the marketplace with efficiency and innovation — they began by looking inward. The underlying belief: Culture drives everything.

“Our superpower is our people,” which is a sentiment Kao USA President Karen Frank often shares. “Our leaders at Kao have always recognized the power of our people and wanted to unlock the potential,” says Carolyn Calkins, Senior Manager, Business Transformation at Kao. 

image of young employees representing Kao Americas culture change work with CCL


Having worked with CCL previously to boundary-spanning capabilities across the organization, Kao Americas decided to work hand-in-hand with CCL again to undertake a customized, multi-phase, highly immersive effort to define the organization’s strategic priorities and align its culture for success.

The work began with identifying the goals and the required cultural attributes to support those goals by engaging its senior leadership team and 50 additional strategic leaders from every sector, function, and level of the business. The leaders examined the current values, practices, and behaviors within the organization and then defined what a healthy culture should look like to drive its strategy forward.

“It’s essential that we started there, capturing the voices and perspectives of stakeholders and getting them involved in the process in a way that would immediately begin to shift the culture,” says Mike Smith, Strategic Business Partner at CCL. 

This foundational work would prove critical as Kao ran headlong into an unprecedented roadblock: the COVID-19 pandemic. Work as the organization knew it ground to a halt, just as it had begun to pilot the first conversations around cultural attributes with in-person workshops. 

Realizing this format would no longer work, the newly formed Culture Champions Team tapped to spearhead the rollout plan regrouped and shifted to virtual “Culture Circle Conversations” with pared-down content designed to produce engaging discussions. The result: free-flowing conversations across functions and employee levels that facilitated the understanding of cultural attributes needed to further enhance the organization and build momentum for the transformation.

“The work we did in the first phase actually positioned us well to respond to the pandemic. Pivot was our word of the year in 2020,” Carolyn recalls. “We had to be resilient as a change team. We were adapting and learning and supporting each other through extremely difficult challenges — exhibiting the behavior that we wanted to see across our organization.”

With strong support from senior leadership, the culture change was brought to life in 2021 through high-impact experiences that introduced new content, tools, and resources to the entire organization.

Attributes such as learning agility, emotional intelligence, psychological safety, and a growth mindset were honed in on, to strengthen collective behaviors and instill new culture practices to the day-to-day work at Kao.

Soon, new leadership practices that supported the desired people-centered culture began taking hold in their everyday work.

Kao’s 6 Key Attributes for Culture Change

  • Engage in Change
  • Informed Risk-Taking
  • Building Trust Through Communication
  • Collaboration & Teamwork
  • Empowerment
  • Optimism & Passion


Today, Kao leaders see a fundamental shift in the way people interact and work together across the organization — and a largely shared identity that helps leverage the collective talents of everyone in the region. 

Results of the Denison Organizational Culture Surveys completed by Kao employees show the greatest growth in the areas of Mission (vision, strategic direction, intent), Adaptability (creating change, organizational learning), and Consistency (coordination, integration).

These results logged progress in nearly every category measured, evidence that Kao’s investment in its people served as a catalyst for sustained perseverance and performance in the face of the pandemic.

The organizational culture transformation in the Americas Region at Kao is, at its core, a story of resilience, learning, and growth. It’s the story of an organization that successfully confronted the most difficult challenge yet of the 21st century, while countless others in the business world struggled to simply stay afloat.

And it’s a story that continues to evolve today.

“This isn’t a one-and-done, we fix it and move on. We’re looping back constantly, evaluating constantly,” Carolyn says. “It’s a work in progress. You literally never stop.”

Kao Brilliance in Beauty Award for Executional Excellence

The Culture Champions Team received Kao’s prestigious award, which lauded the collective leadership demonstrated by the team’s 19 members, their willingness to step up for the good of the organization, and their passion in doing so.

Participants Say

“In the Americas region at Kao, we’ve taken a thoughtful, purposeful, and deliberate approach to strengthen our culture over the last 3 years. The results have been exceptional as we’ve been able to engage not only our leaders but our employees as culture champions across the organization to work together to make a profound and lasting impact on our culture. It takes all of us working together collectively and collaboratively to create a culture that we are all proud to be a part of!”

Jill Adler

Vice President
Capital Development, Americas

“CCL provided their expertise and guidance on how to navigate such a large improvement to the way we work together and helped to set us up for success. Their knowledge, skills, and experience in this area were invaluable to us as we navigated this culture change and were with us each step of the way.”

Christine Sarosy

Sr. Manager, R&D Strategic Operations & Transformation, and Culture Champion

“The focus to provide tools to bridge communication gaps, empower without fear, and positively promote taking action have all been key components to the positive growth performance individually and collectively within the organization.”

Trish Trujillo

Salon Field Education Manager, US, and Culture Champion

Partner With Us

Build a people-centered culture at your organization that helps to makes the strategy happen with our Organizational Leadership Culture Change service. 

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Accelerating Collective, Adaptive Leadership at The Global Fund Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:53:23 +0000 Learn how CCL helped The Global Fund create a flagship leadership program that would increase its senior leaders' ability to adapt as a collective to combat epidemics.

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Accelerating Collective, Adaptive Leadership at The Global Fund

The Global Fund logo
CLIENT:The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria 
LOCATION:Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
SIZE:1100 staff representing more than 100 nationalities

Client Profile & Challenge

The Global Fund was created 20 years ago to fight the world’s 3 deadliest epidemics: HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. Global Fund-supported programs have saved 44 million lives since 2002, proof that global commitment and community leadership can force the world’s deadliest infectious diseases into retreat.

The Global Fund also plays a major role in supporting low-and middle-income countries fighting COVID-19, which threatens to undermine progress and overwhelm the fragile health systems.

Since 2002, the Global Fund has  disbursed more than US$50 billion to respond to HIV, TB, and malaria and for programs to strengthen systems for health across more than 155 countries, including regional grants, as of June 2021, which makes it one of the world’s largest funders of global health.

The Global Fund contends with rapid change and uncertain operating environments every day. To achieve its strategic objectives for 2017–2022 and beyond, the Global Fund needed to master more adaptive ways of leading. Indeed, learning and leadership development was identified as one of the 7 pillars of the organization’s People Strategy.

Their intention was to create a flagship leadership program — called “Elevate” — that would trigger a step change in their ability to adapt as a collective. Adaptive leadership was judged to be essential for the Global Fund in its fight to end the epidemics. To take the organization to the next level in enabling the organization’s mission, they sought high impact learning interventions for their leaders.

Accelerating Collective, Adaptive Leadership at the Global Fund


The Global Fund engaged CCL and its partner the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) to design and deliver the Elevate program. The partnership’s discovery work with the Global Fund determined that, individually, many Global Fund professionals were highly adaptive leaders. It was the organization’s collective capacity to adapt that needed unlocking. Together CCL, GCSP, and the Global Fund designed a multi-module and multi-modal program that would focus on developing collective practices to support a more positive and adaptive culture. Participants included the Management Executive Committee as well as their direct reports, and midlevel managers. In total, the Global Fund’s 180 most senior people managers embarked on Elevate.

With a learning journey spanning 4 modules across 2 ½ years, Elevate engages participants through multiple modalities:

  • 1-day Workshops
  • Assessments
  • Individual coaching
  • Experiential simulations
  • Momentum boosting clinics
  • Short agility bursts

The Global Fund is nearing deployment of Elevate’s fourth module. Module 1 focused on Mental Agility and introduced the Theory of Change. This set the scene for Module 2, where the focus was on People Agility and challenged participants to build, nurture, and role-model a climate of psychological safety, trust, collaboration, and personal growth. Module 3, fully virtual, was titled Change Agility and focused managers on the adaptive requirement to navigate paradoxes that are not problems to solve, but tensions to lead.



Across the first 3 modules, the Global Fund is witnessing positive behavioral shifts among participants:

  • Leaders trying new things and feeling accountable
  • Indicators of speaking up are emerging
  • Instances of cross-unit collaboration initiated
  • Role modeling by senior executives generating greater impact, and
  • Adoption of practices recommended by the Elevate cohort by the senior team to help lead the most critical tensions.

Participants report a positive impact of Elevate across 10 out of 11 key indicators relating to individual and collective learning agility. Module 4, Results Agility, is focused on helping participants consolidate their myriad individual acts of leadership into focused collective practices that generate a cultural step change.

No one could have predicted that COVID-19 would present Elevate participants and organizers with the ultimate adaptive challenge at the mid-point of the program. Fortunately, Elevate was always conceived as an adaptive program for targeting adaptive outcomes. The flexible approach to design has allowed CCL and GCSP to walk in step with the Global Fund’s shifting internal and external realities and tune its solutions to leadership that matters for today.

Participants Say

“[I started] “to see myself as a change agent, meaning that if I wanted something changed I needed to change it myself rather than expecting someone else or senior management to change it. And I think that was a big step for me.”

“Our coaching sessions are a true gift to me and I feel increasingly equipped to address some of the short to medium term challenges I have committed to tackle. I feel absolutely confident to successfully lead the journey to agility in and well beyond my own department.”

Partner With Us

At CCL, we understand how community-led and community based initiatives can help build a foundation for real change and greater transformation. We can partner with your organization to create customized leadership solutions that allow you to expand your impact and the meaningful work you bring to the world.

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Glanbia Prepares Future C-Suite Leaders to Innovate Through Disruption With Immersive Development Experience Thu, 23 Sep 2021 14:54:29 +0000 Learn how CCL partnered with Glanbia to create an immersive executive development program to help prepare high-potential executives to take on more senior leadership roles and innovate through global disruption.

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Glanbia Prepares Future C-Suite Leaders to Innovate Through Disruption With Immersive Development Experience

Glanbia logo
CLIENT:Glanbia, a global nutrition group
LOCATION:Headquartered in Kilkenny, Ireland with a presence in 34 countries worldwide
SIZE:7,000+ employees


Glanbia has been dedicated to delivering better nutrition for every step of life’s journey since 1997, and brings the same dedication to developing its future leaders during the most pivotal stages of their own career journeys.

Critical skills for Glanbia leaders range from disruptive thinking, innovative leadership, and a global mindset to digital and business-building expertise, and leadership impact. However, for the continued development of those skills, particularly in this constantly shifting and rapidly changing global business environment, Glanbia understood 3 multifaceted challenges needed to be overcome:

  1. Leadership Succession: Build leadership bench strength and fill critical roles.
  2. Innovation at Pace: Focus on a customer-led, science-backed agenda that keeps pace with evolving customer demands, emerging markets, and global trends.
  3. Disruptive Global Forces: Master the knowledge and capabilities for managing and fueling the forces of global disruption within the nutrition sector and the company.

Glanbia partnered with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) and the Irish Management Institute to create a program that would help high-potential members of Glanbia’s executive leadership team meet these challenges head-on and, in the process, prepare for more senior leadership roles.

Glanbia Case Study with the Center for Creative Leadership


A deeply entrenched international presence and perspective, combined with research-based solutions and program-customization capabilities, positioned CCL as the right partner to develop the Leading the Future Program.

A cohort of senior leaders from Glanbia offices in the U.S. and Ireland was selected to participate in the program, representing teams from across the organization. The program was centered around 3 immersive experiences to introduce participants to a global perspective — each devoted to high-priority leadership skills — and held in the following locations:

  • Palo Alto, California (Silicon Valley): Disruptive Thinking and Future Mindset
  • Shanghai, China: Innovation and Global Mindset
  • Dublin, Ireland (Glanbia headquarters): Leading the Enterprise

Experiences featured visits to organizations situated in program locations, and were bolstered by an international group of thought-provoking guest speakers. The Institute for the Future, PayPal, Baozun, and the Accenture Innovation Center were among the organizations participating in the program.

The experiences challenged participants’ perceptions and points of view, further instilled a change-positive state of mind, and generated an in-depth understanding of leadership’s business and personal sides, including:

  • Ability to transition from a tactical business-unit role to empowered enterprise level strategic thinking and decision-making
  • More calculated risk-taking — and less fear of failure
  • Courage to dream, think differently, and pursue unconventional paths
  • Renewed emphasis on current business, while creating a framework for future growth
  • Enhanced global outlook reaching beyond geographical borders
  • Wider understanding of digital advances and their positive impact
  • Empathetic leadership style, and agility in accommodating an evolving and diverse workforce
  • Adeptness at attracting and retaining early-career leaders who have business-critical skills

Leaders participating in the program are further skilled in navigating not only through disruption but also within a company culture where innovation flourishes freely across lines of business.

Impact Data

Participant promotions or advancements into expanded roles
0 %
Direct reports of program participants who noted they are “encouraged to find new and better ways to get things done”
0 %
Engagement rate for direct reports of program participants
0 %


The Leading the Future Program is a prime example of the challenges that can be overcome — and exceptional results that can be achieved — through program customization, collaborative thinking and action, and a powerful participant dynamic.

From a clearer understanding of themselves to a more evolved mindset, program participants are prepared to maximize their strengths as leaders and long-term contributors to the company. There is strong evidence of increased readiness among participants for more senior leadership roles.

Glanbia continues its commitment to training and development with initiatives that include a Leading the Future Program tailor-made for junior leaders. CCL’s iterative approach and ability to respectfully disrupt and challenge thinking within Glanbia has resulted in increased innovation, and the company’s ability to successfully adapt to external disruptive forces and global trends.

Leading the Future Program Hailed with Top Training and Development Award

The Leading the Future Program received the Best Leadership Development Initiative Award from the Irish Institute of Training & Development (IITD). The program was  recognized for its innovative design, transformational impact on business, global perspective, collaboration between Irish and international partners, and future orientation.

Participants Say

“The Leading the Future Program struck the precise balance between our innovative and disruptive culture, and the need to be challenged and drawn from our comfort zones in a very constructive way. What followed were global learning experiences firmly in sync with our leaders’ needs, energy, and aspirations.”

Claire Kerwick

Group Director of Talent and Engagement

Partner With Us

At CCL, we understand that leading from the top requires a critical shift in perspective. We can partner with you to deploy transformational leadership development for your senior leaders in order to effectively drive change and execute strategy across the business.

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